Genshin Impact Character Tier List: Best Characters in 2024

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Our Genshin Impact tier list highlights the best characters like Ayaka, Kazuha, and Raiden Shogun to help you clear the endgame content. Are you in search of a Genshin Impact tier list? With a staggering 81 characters to choose from, the possibilities for constructing your dream team are vast. However, navigating through the multitude of weapons, elements, talents, ascension bonuses, and constellation upgrades can pose a considerable challenge when determining your favorites.

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Don’t allow the character rankings on our Genshin Impact tier list to dissuade you from summoning on the upcoming character banner. While fundamental stats and elemental abilities hold significance, a character’s true value hinges on factors like personal playstyle, available weapons and artifacts, and team synergy. Even if your beloved Genshin Impact character falls into a lower tier, rest assured that our recommended Genshin Impact builds can still make them shine.

A lower tier placement simply implies that there may be superior alternatives or that the character necessitates a specific build or team setup to excel. Through extensive gameplay testing, including countless hours in Spiral Abyss, we’ve meticulously curated our tier list to identify the standout characters in Genshin Impact. So, trust in our expertise and embrace the versatility of your favorite characters, regardless of their tier ranking.

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Here are the best characters in Genshin Impact right now, sorted by tier:

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Furina, the Hydro Archon, is revered as one of the top-tier characters in Genshin Impact. With healing abilities akin to Bennett and a significant damage buff for her party, she offers players new strategic avenues for building powerful teams. Despite the risk associated with her damage boost activating at 50% health or below, Furina’s prowess ensures players can effectively combat even the game’s toughest adversaries.


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The Genshin Impact 2.0 update introduced Ayaka, the Cryo Sword user, to the game, fulfilling the high expectations many players had for her. Excelling as both a DPS and sub-DPS character, Ayaka’s Cryo abilities enable her to easily trigger the powerful Melt reaction when paired with Pyro characters. Featured prominently in the Genshin Impact 3.5 banners, Ayaka remains a top-tier character due to her exceptional synergy with various team compositions. With the best Ayaka build, it’s challenging to find a Cryo DPS character that rivals her effectiveness in combat.


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Hailing from Inazuma, Kazuha made a lasting impression on the Genshin Impact community thanks to his remarkable versatility. As an Anemo Sword character, he boasts the capability to deal significant damage independently with the optimal Kazuha build. However, his true potential shines when incorporated into team compositions that leverage elemental reactions. When paired strategically, Kazuha’s ability to amplify damage through elemental reactions can lead to staggering amounts of damage, making him a valuable asset in any adventurer’s arsenal.


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While there was a time when Zhongli was considered underpowered due to the state of Geo elements, those days are long gone. Zhongli has since emerged as a formidable force, renowned for his potent Jade Shield ability. This defensive prowess grants teammates the freedom to engage in combat without the need for precise timing in their attacks. With Zhongli’s support, DPS characters can unleash larger amounts of damage by focusing on offense rather than constantly dodging enemy attacks. Be sure to check out our Genshin Impact Zhongli build to optimize this defensive powerhouse for maximum effectiveness in battle.

Hu Tao

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Hu Tao, a Polearm-wielding Pyro character, has the potential to become devastatingly powerful with the right build. While she poses a risk to players as her strength increases when her health falls below 50%, mastering the art of maintaining the perfect balance in combat elevates her to one of the top DPS characters in Genshin Impact. Explore our Hu Tao build to discover the essential components needed to assemble this fiery Pyro beast and unleash her full potential on the battlefield.


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Navia, the flagship five-star character of the 4.3 update, boasts a unique and easy-to-master kit. As a Geo DPS, she excels at triggering the Crystallize elemental reaction to generate Crystal Shrapnel Stacks, offering versatility in team compositions. These stacks power her formidable Gunbrella, making her a solid damage dealer. With a straightforward rotation and adaptability to different team compositions, Navia defies the stereotype of lackluster Geo and Claymore users in Genshin Impact.


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Neuvillette emerges as the first Hydro hyper carry in Genshin Impact, dedicated to on-field damage dealing. His kit revolves around his charged attack, a devastating hydro cannon that gains power based on his health. It’s crucial to support Neuvillette with units capable of applying shields and off-field healing. While his on-field damage takes precedence, his Ascension passive enhances his charged attack’s damage when triggering Hydro reactions. Thus, pairing him with Dendro, Pyro, or Electro units for continuous off-field application ensures Neuvillette remains at the forefront of battle.


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Xiao stands out as the sole Anemo character dedicated to DPS in Genshin Impact, excelling at attacking multiple enemies simultaneously with his plunging attacks. His ability to trigger the elemental reaction Swirl with a variety of characters makes him a versatile addition to any team composition. Explore our Genshin Impact Xiao build to unlock the full potential of his elemental skills and maximize his effectiveness in combat.


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In Genshin Impact, Albedo stands out among Geo characters for his unique ability to consistently trigger powerful Geo-infused elemental reactions. His elemental abilities generate expansive Geo explosions, covering a large area of effect. Notably, Albedo’s elemental skill boasts an exceptionally short cooldown time of just four seconds, allowing for frequent and impactful utilization in combat scenarios.


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